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NY Kids Interview Illustrator, Jeanette Canyon

Jeannette Canyon Interview
Dear Students, Miss Lee, Ms. Yanoff and all participating schools,

First, I would like to share how honored I am that Over in the Jungle has been nominated for the 2010 NYSRA Charlotte Award – WOW- Thank you all so much!!! I hope you have a great year reading, exploring and making new discoveries with each book you venture into!!

It was such a great pleasure to not only have the opportunity to illustrate this very playful counting rhyme, but to have the amazing experience of doing research on such a fascinating habitat. One of the things that I truly love about being a picture book creator, is that I get to spend a great deal of time learning about this amazing world that we live in! I of course, also get to spend a lot of time creating stories and making pictures out of clay – and I have always loved to create stories and make things with my hands.

To read Jeanette's answers to the awesome questions students from Miss Lee's class asked see Charlotte Award blogsite for the complete interview!

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