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Jill Dubin at BEA

Book Expo America is the largest annual book trade show in the USA, and this year, Jill Dubin, the illustrator of two of my books, attended. Held over four days in late spring, for the past few years it’s been at the Jacob K. Javitz Convention Center in New York City. Book publishers across the country and abroad preview their upcoming titles and network with other booksellers. Authors, librarians and buyers for book retailers attend this premier event.

Jill Dubin autographed copies of my newest release,Over in Australia, Amazing Animals Down Under, which received a Mom’s Choice Gold Award. An esteemed panel of judges for this award includes educators, media and other experts as well as parents, children, librarians, performing artists and producers. Both of my books so beautifully illustrated by Jill have received this coveted award.

In 2007 I also had the privilege of autographing at BEA. Little did I dream that as I sat in this overwhelmingly huge convention center, autographing Over in the Jungle, a Rainforest Rhyme (also a Mom’s Choice) that four years later there would be another of my books being recognized at BEA! And guess what? Jill is working on another “Over” book as I write this. It’s called Over in the Forest: Come and Take a Peek and will be released by Dawn Publications in early 2012. Who knows? Maybe we’ll both be at BEA next year. (Positive thinking!) Wouldn’t that be fun for two former New Yorkers!

Click below to see the many books Jill has illustrated.


Jill Dubin

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