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New & Noteworthy News!

Drum Roll, Please!

I am amazed at all the great "happenings" before "Animalogy" has even been released. (Release date is 8/10/11.)

Illustrator, Cathy Morrison, who did a fabulous job, won a blue ribbon at the Denver County Fair yesterday, for her beautiful artwork for this book.

And the publisher, Sylvan Dell, is offering a contest on their blog in connection with the five books they are releasing this month. Just comment on which of the five books you think will be your favorite (hint, hint) and you may win some free books. See:


Can't wait to get my copies of this entertaining and educational addition to my other books. Will keep you posted on "Animalogy's" debut!

"Animals are to nature, as Animalogy is to fun!"


Sylvan Dell Publishing

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